My future job
I’m stay
thinking in a job without much office work. An outdoor job most part of the
time. Obviously I imagine myself in an office doing the “boring” job. But travel
a lot too, because all the boring job start in the forest. You have to take dates
in the field to do the complete job. I think travel is very necessary for my job.
Because a travel to the field gives you a lot of experience for futures jobs.
And make you a better professional.
What about
the salary? About the salary…Well I’am a very simple person. I only want a
salary what gives me the opportunity to lives well. A normal house, normal clothes,
vacations, dates with my girlfriend, etc.
What major
are you thinking of taking? About the major. I’m thinking a Water or Soil
tittle sounds good. Because at the present the water is very scarce. And a lot
of problem come with that. I listen too in the TV the soon creation of a “Water
Department” by the state. And immediately I think “I will work in that”.
In my
opinion I like a lot of things like science; physics, nature and travel. And
the job what I want gives me all that things.
work in the forest is the best job in the world
ReplyDeleteThe office work sucks
ReplyDeleteA work that involves forest can't be a bad job at all <3